"Wipeout" has become an incredibly favored TV program, with "TV Week" recently declaring it the 3rd most seen reality program in the planet. It is notable not only for the exciting obstacles confronted by the players but also by the funny and sarcastic nature of the commentary by John Henson, John Anderson, and Jill Wagner.
"Wipeout": Television show appearing on ABC. "Wipeout" shows people battling on the hugest challenge field in the globe. Influenced by "Fear Factor" and Japanese challenge shows, "Wipeout" starts by putting twenty four people opposite each other in a match inside a special and challenging activity arena. A classic example of the blockades the players might encounter are the "Big Balls." The players must cross a muddy body of fluid by bouncing on four large bouncy balls. An embarrassing punishment attends those who fail to defeat this obstacle.
The twelve fastest finishers of the preliminary challenge head on to the next. The obstacle changes, but the challengers once again suffer the likely chance of ending up taking a plunge into a dirty basin. Half the people survive this time and continue on to round three, which narrows the field down to the last four survivors. The last round resembles the first in that the contestants must transverse a large and complex challenge maze. Like in the prior courses, getting wet is very likely. The player who completes the course in the shortest amount of time claims the grand total of $50,000."Wipeout" has become an incredibly favored TV program, with "TV Week" recently declaring it the 3rd most seen reality program in the planet. It is notable not only for the exciting obstacles confronted by the players but also by the funny and sarcastic nature of the commentary by John Henson, John Anderson
Wipeout is being requested for a 3rd season beginning in summer of 2010.
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